TDA has been implementing climate change adaptation and resilience projects for the last 10 years, since 2012, to ensure the food security of

smallholder farmers in various target woredas. CA is based on three main principles: permanent soil cover by dry mulch/green live mulch, minimum soil disturbance or zero tillage, and crop rotation and association.

Currently, in collaboration with its development partners, TDA has started ''Scaling up Conservation Agriculture Based Sustainable Intensification (SCASI)'' project for 3 years (January 2022 to December 2024). The SCASI has been launched in partnership with funding support from NORAD and the Development Fund of Norway (DFN) through Canadian Food grains Bank (CFGB) and Tearfund Canada. SCASI focuses on different CA-plus technologies: soil and water conservation (SWC) techniques, integration of livestock and crop production, integrated soil fertility management, crop diversification, agroforestry, efficient use of available water, afforestation, etc.

SCASI has been promoting increasing the productivity of smallholder plots by retaining moisture, improving soil fertility, and relying on organic fertilizers while reducing use of artificial fertilizer to ensure food security through intensification, adaptation and mitigation measures.

To promote this, TDA hosted and organized three-day SCASI regional workshop in collaboration with the CFGB, held from September 6–8, 2022, in Central Hotel, Hawassa. The representatives from Ministry of agriculture and natural resource development (MoANRD), Regional bureau of ANRD, Wolaita Zone ANRD department, Boloso Sore and Boloso Bombe Woredas ANRD offices, TDA, Migbaresenay Children and Family Support Organization (MSCFSO) from Amhara region, FH Ethiopia (FH-E) - Benishangul Gumuz and Oromia region, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Development Fund of Norway (DFN), Mennonite Central Committee Ethiopia (MCC-E), and Canadian Food grains Bank (CFGB) have participated in this event. In this event, the participants from SCASI stakeholders and partners (both from government and NGOs) have conducted participatory field learning and experience sharing visit to Boloso Sore and Boloso Bombe woredas.                                                                                                                                                           

The objectives of the workshop include:

  1. To create awareness and common understanding of stakeholders and partners on SCASI concepts and technologies for further expansion.
  2. To share the SCASI project best practices, lessons and experience of TDA to other stakeholders and partners in Ethiopia.
  3. To promote stakeholders’ collaboration, coordination and synergy to support the SCASI in Ethiopia.

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