Landscape Nature+ Project
Caring for Creation Training Participants

TDA HUMBO Solkuwa Mountain Landscape Nature+ Project

Our wrong practices are destroying nature/creation. Promoting environmental stewardship is a big responsibility at the individual/family, community, and landscape levels.

The TDA (Rapid Landscape Assessment) RLA, Landscape Learning Process (LLP), and pre-Project Implementation Period Actions (pre-PIP) activities are important steps in building the groundwork for understanding the extent of destruction and restorative potential for the damages that have occurred. The implementation will take place between October 2023 and March 2026. 

Hence, restoring broken relationships is important to mend / restore the unity between human beings and God, within human beings themselves (self-restoration), human beings with nature/ creation, human beings with other fellows.

The "TDA HUMBO Solkuwa Mountain Landscape Nature+ Project” is jointly funded by Tearfund Canada 🇨🇦 through Canadian  Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) with back donor Global Affairs (GAC) 🇨🇦 🍁!  This project has been working for three years, from April 2023 to March 2026. 

Therefore, the TDA HUMBO “Solkuwa Landscape Nature+” Project is the major strategy to undertake our institutional responsibility in action in collaboration with the landscape community and local and international stakeholders. 

Tearfund Canada's Anja Oussoren, Program Manager (East Africa and South Asia), presented a workshop titled "Caring for Creation in our Farms and Communities" for two days to train Church leaders in creation care and Biblical worldview.
The program teaches Church leaders about their responsibilities and how to mobilize the Church and the community to cooperate with government and non-government organizations for sustainable, wholistic development.

Serving the whole person!